Diplomas that have not been picked up are still available in the guidance office. They can be picked up during the following times: Tuesday 8am-4pm Wednesday 8am-4pm. In addition, the banners that were hung in Cuba are available for pick up in the MHS Library. #mycrcs
2 months ago, CRCS
Hello, Cuba-Rushford parents! If you have a student who is interested in participating in athletics grades 7-12 in the fall please make sure you register them through Family ID as soon as you can. Use www.mycrcs.org, under the departments tab, click athletics, then select Family ID Registration. This must happen for your student to participate. The sooner, the better. Thank you! #mycrcs
2 months ago, CRCS
Look for the new changes in communication at Cuba Rushford coming on or about July 1: New Website mycrcs.org starting July 1. District Calendar with fundraiser dates being sent out in August. Parent Square coming later this summer for direct access for staff, students, and parents! I hope you have been enjoying the new layout of the Newsletter. Please look at the guidance page to see a list of all local resources & counseling referrals. #mycrcs
2 months ago, CRCS
We at Cuba Rushford would like to congratulate the Class of 2024 on graduating Saturday. You can now watch the the ceremony on Youtube and see the pictures on Flickr. Check out the links down below. #mycrcs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuVHI1GLW9k https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBwAzp
2 months ago, CRCS
class of 24 valedictorian
class of 24 salutatorians
class of 24 left
class of 24 middle
class of 24 right
With one last hurrah, the seniors had their senior parade, graduation practice and a Taste of Cuba event last night. This is all before the Class of 2024 take their big walk across the stage for graduation this Saturday. #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
graduation practice
senior parade buggy
senior parade tractor and horse
senior parade firetruck
The CRCS MHS weight room will be open this summer! It will be open from July 8th to August 29th. The days it will be open is Monday through Thursday, 9am to 10:30am. We hope to see you there! #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
Weight Room flyer
Dairy Days was full of performances by the Music Department. Pop Group and Jazz Band preformed for the town in the morning and the Marching Band thrilled people during the parade. Great Job everyone! #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
marching band
pop group
jazz band
The Elementary school held their flag day celebration yesterday. #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
Flag day celebration
flag day pole
flag day popsicles shirt
The 8th grade celebration happened again this year. The 8th graders received their awards, got some snacks, and got to celebrate the end of the year with a dance. Congratulations to everyone who made it through the year and good luck in 9th grade! #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
8th grade celebration awards
8th grade celebration  photo shoot
8th grade celebration dinner
8th grade celebration dancing
Pop Group and Jazz band will be performing this Saturday morning at Dairy Days, starting at 9am at the Liberty Pole in Cuba! If you're around come on out and check out their final full performances of the year! #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
The year long middle school competition finished up with Color Wars day today. Students competed in different events throughout the day with events ranging from tug of war to cardboard boat races to singing our alma mater. Congratulations to the 7th grade for winning this year! #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
Color war winning team grade 7
tug of war color wars
hungry hippos color wars
tic tac toe color wars
boat race color wars
9 square color wars
This week was the Cheyenne Wolfer Memorial Dodgeball Tournament! Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to everyone that helped put the event together. The students had an amazing time! #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
Dodgeball winners
dodgeball crowd
Dodgeball tosses
Dodgeball ready
We are excited to announce that Cuba Rushford will be deciding on a new mascot as required by New York State. The mascot will not replace the CR Logo that is prominent on our buildings and website. We will still be called the Cuba Rushford Rebels but using different imagery! We are excited to see the vote and the community coming out to support. A big shout out goes to student council and all the students who submitted their mascot ideas. After months of deliberation the students have narrowed it down to these three. #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
Mascot voting flyer
Yesterday the 6th and 7th grade had their end of the year award ceremony! Congratulations to all the students who got awards and thank you to everyone who helped out with making this event happen. #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
high honor roll middle school
6th grade honor roll
7th grade high honor roll
6th grade honor roll
On Friday the 5th graders celebrated their last year at CRE. Great job 5th grade! We sure will miss seeing you everyday! Good luck at MHS! #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
graduating class of 2031
5th grade graduation
5th grade teachers at graduation
5th grade graduation prep
CRCS is looking for community feedback on the Code of Conduct for next year. The survey is open until June 18th. Click the link to fill out the survey. https://forms.office.com/r/5FH5Pb4usU
3 months ago, CRCS
The 7th, 8th, and 11th grade went on a field trip to Boston this past week. Students got to have many different experiences, from tours of historical places in Plymouth and Boston to visiting the science museum #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
Group shot Boston
Ghost tour monument
Museum of Science fun
Boston Market group shot
Fire and Ice grill
Ghost tour picture
Freedom trail tour guide
Salem fountain
A wonderful evening last night, celebrating our athletes and all their amazing accomplishments at the 23-24 Athletic Award Ceremony! #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
Senior Sports award winners
soccer team speech
Tompkins hug
Congratulations to all the award winners last night at the Academic Awards night. It was a great to see everyone there! #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
Award Ceremony winners
Congratulation to the Middle School Team of Scholastic Challenge for an incredible showing this weekend in DC. The kids are off to the Playoffs (which is step two of the Nationals) which will be held virtually. #mycrcs
3 months ago, CRCS
Scholastic challenge capital
scholastic challenge in DC